Sweet potato curry (v)

I really enjoy vegetarian meals, so here is one which is great for the winter months. 

Serves 4 

  • 300ml vegetable stock 
  • 700g sweet potatoes (peeled and diced)
  • 1 onion (thinly sliced)
  • 1 courgette (diced)
  • 4 plum tomatoes (chopped)
  • 300g fresh spinach 
  • 2 garlic cloves (crushed or thinly sliced)
  • 1 tbsp medium/hot curry powder
  • 1 tsp chilli powder (or 1 chilli thinly sliced)
  • Salt and pepper
  1. Put the sweet potatoes, onions, courgette and vegetable stock in a saucepan. Bring to the boil, reduce the heat and cook for 4-5 minutes. 
  2. Add the spinach, garlic, chilli, curry powder and tomatoes, stir and cook on a medium heat for approximately 10 minutes until the sweet potatoes are soft.
  3. Taste before serving (if you like it spicy, add a little more chilli!). 
  4. Season well and serve with rice.


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